Why is digital media playing an active role in storytelling and activism?
In this session our panellists explore the power of digital media and why content creating is important in amplifying women and gender diverse folks' narratives and how the podcasting space has enabled voices to be heard like never before. Touching on topics such as how to stay resilient in the face of war, poverty and displacement, and how to push for voices using the podcast and on the ground, they look at how digital and social activism can also impact their mental well-being and physical health while highlighting the need for free and independent media, including the safety of women journalists on and off the field.
Freedom of expression is a driver for human rights therefore it is relevant as we hear stories direct from the source. This panel is to amplify voices, narratives and lived realities.
This panel is hosted by Attika Choudhary who is joined by Youmna El Sayed and Marion Atieno Osieyo.