Attika is a woman of South Asian heritage with long dark hair swept over one shoulder. She looks at the camera with a serious yet soft expression.

Attika Choudhary

“PODCASTS are about sharing and caring - and what better way to listen, make connections and engage with podcasters, and others, to create a community of women INSPIRED to change the dial and bring a wider range and deeper level of stories ABOUT WOMEN to your attention”

Attika Choudhary

Attika Choudhary is an award-winning journalist, international presenter, documentary maker, and executive producer of the twice-nominated Positive Solace podcast.

With over a decade of experience at BBC News, she has excelled in delivering high-quality news programs. Attika is a staunch advocate for diversity, actively working to ensure that women and individuals of colour receive the opportunities they deserve. At the BBC, she played a pivotal role in diversity, providing insights to senior management and writing on the topic in addition to her broadcasting duties.

In 2017, Attika served as the Lady Mayoress of Rushmoor in Hampshire, supporting local charities and speaking on learning difficulties and autism at various events and university debates. In 2019, she was one of the youngest candidates from an ethnic minority to run for MEP and later as a parliamentary candidate in the December election. Attika's passions extend beyond her professional sphere as she champions mental health, human rights, and women’s empowerment, with a particular focus on individuals with disabilities and learning difficulties.

Attika is speaking on the Activism for Podcasters Panel alongside Youmna El Sayed and Marion Atieno Osieyo.

Attika: Twitter | Insta | TikTok

Positive Solace: Twitter | Insta | TikTok | Podcast


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