Maisie is a white woman standing leant against a wall. She has long curly red hair and is wearing a white shirt. She smiles widely at the camera.

Maisie Hill

“What better way to take up space and make your voice heard than to pick up a mic? The beauty of podcasting is that no middle-men, (excuse the pun) are needed. If you’ve got something to say and you’re prepared to put in the work then the world is your audience. To see women in podcasting remove barriers like this is incredibly empowering.”

maisie hill

Maisie Hill is a life coach, hormone and menstrual cycle expert, podcast host and bestselling author dedicated to empowering individuals to master their inner landscape and live authentically. Maisie’s vision is to foster a world where self-criticism and societal pressures are overcome with wisdom and compassion.

Her bestselling books include; Powerful: Be the Expert in Your Own Life, Period Power and The Period Power Card Deck & Perimenopause Power.

The Maisie Hill Experience is the home of Maisie's weekly podcast where she tackles the real stuff: breaking through barriers, living authentically, and transforming self-doubt into unshakeable confidence.

Maisie will be speaking on the Structure of Intimacy Panel alongside Hiwote Getaneh, Karen Arthur and Natasha Miller at this year’s festival.


Natasha Miller


Karen Arthur