Megan Bradshaw
“As the daughter of immigrants who has seen the boom and bust pendulum of podcasting swing back and forth for over a decade - with PR and gatekeepers giving priority to the same voices and faces time and time again - it is important to me, now more than ever, to see the kind of women represented by my family’s histories further surfaced by events like the International Women’s Podcast Festival.”
In Partnership with
Megan Bradshaw
Megan grew up in Filipina kitchens in California, lived in Argentina, France, and Ireland, and has called the UK home for the last twelve years. An unwilling early adopter of podcasts (conservative talk radio on-demand, with a splash of gardening chat, all blasting on her father’s original Creative Zen MP3 player during long family road trips down Highway 5), for over a decade, she has worked across the podcast industry in production and development, product and content operations, partnerships, and localisation. She was the founding team member of Podcasts for Amazon Music in Europe. Currently, she is the Senior Podcast Manager for the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.
Out of office, Megan is a writer, a producer, and a PhD candidate in Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia. Her first novel is a comedy about working tech, and her critical dissertation focuses on the multi-cultures of food. She lives in Norwich. At the festival Megan will host the first drafts workshop where you can discover how to develop your show and audience.