Mo! is a Black woman who wears her hair in locks swept off her face. Her head is tilted and she looks at the camera through her black and white glasses with a quizzical look on her face

Mo! Sibyl

“As a woman of African descent, I see podcasting as a powerful medium to share our unique perspectives and stories, amplify our voices, and connect with a global audience. The way women in podcasting connect with their listeners and drive important conversations is truly remarkable.”

Mo! Sibyl

Mo! Sibyl is an award-winning podcaster known for her captivating show, The More Sibyl Podcast, which earned the prestigious 2023 APVA Diasporan Podcast of the Year award.

Mo! describes herself as a Nigerian-born, Korean-speaking, and wandering intellectual. Her unique perspective is derived from her experience growing up in Nigeria to now living in the US, learning and speaking Korean, and enriched by the adventures her travels have brought on.

As a podcast host, her raison d'être is that there’s a lot more that binds us than separates us. So, through her platform, she strives to showcase that same same but different thread that runs through us all by sharing stories that promote cultural curiosity among people towards creating a better world.

Mo! is also an associate professor of pharmacy and health economics and outcomes researcher who conducts research in cancer and lupus disparities and quality of life.

Mo! is speaking on the Voices of African Women Panel alongside Kemi Seriki, Bidemi Adedire and Chulu Chansa


Lydia Wilkins


Viviane Favery Costa