Lisa is a woman with short hair cropped closely at the sides and slightly curling in the fonr. She wears a white t-shirt and dungarees and has audio headphones on her head. She is sat behind the mic and is engaged in conversation with someone unseen

Lisa Hack

“This festival is so great because it *actively* encourages people from all backgrounds to come along. Not all festivals do this and the feel of the festval is incredibly welcoming so it's great to have it back reminding us all that it's the about people and their stories and we all have those. “

Lisa Hack

Lisa Hack is a freelance audio producer and a Senior Technical Tutor for audio, radio and podcasts at Goldsmiths, University of London. Her background is in music and community radio and she worked at the BBC World Service as a Studio Manager for almost 20 years working across news, features and radio drama in the UK and on location around the world.

She has been a judge for the ARIAS, the British Podcast awards and the Audio Production awards and is often invited to speak at industry events. This year she was a judge for the Whickers podcast pitch award.

As an audio producer she has worked on Mothers of Invention, Climate Justice podcast, the Women’s Prize for Fiction podcast, and for house plant fans On the Ledge podcast. She has also been an executive producer for Spotify Sound Up.

Lisa is one of the founders and a trustee for Multitrack, a charity that creates career changing opportunities for emerging producers while helping the radio and podcast industry to become more accessible and inclusive.

Lisa will be hosting the Don’t Fix it in Post workshop at this year’s festival.


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